Saturday, June 21, 2008


Collaboration is seen by most, as working together as a team, and while this is true, there is a lot more. Throughout these series of blogs, nine areas of collaboration within the architectural industry were looked at and how it affected and influenced the collaboration. While all nine areas are vastly different from each other, each are affected by one another.

As discussed throughout the blogs, collaboration is seen as the most vital component to the success of a business. If the collaboration process fails such as planning, conflict, record etc, the success of a business will collapse as collaboration is always happening within a business, and if people can’t get along, then failure will almost be certain. However, if collaboration works, then success is almost assured.

Collaboration occurs daily and by reading each component through these blogs, a basic understanding will be achieved. Knowing what happens behind the scenes helps everyone involved to understand what goes on, why teamwork is necessary and how collaboration helps to build a better team.

Overall collaboration is a tool that everyone should use throughout their working lives and by just working together in a team is only a small part of the collaboration process. To understand the other components helps to understand what occurs in collaboration.

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